
Sunday 1 May 2011

Quality Publishing

I'm sure many people out there want to write the next best selling book or the next great book, but i'm sure many don't know where to start. Well this blogpost is a great start.

In publishing a book, you must first ensure that the book is good, and is something that publishers and agents would be willing to spend their money on. Before you send it to an international editor, ensure it's edited by someone local. After you edited it locally, either from your english language teacher or University professor, search for an agent. This search is usually done online, and the best way to find great agencies, is from writers digest. A great agency is the Knight agency.

Okay, so you found an agency. Now the hard work begins. Now you have to convince that agency, that your book is something special and can be the next best seller. You must send them a query letter A query letter is something like a   Resume. You want the agency to represent your book. After you send your query letter, it's all in God's hands now. Pray and wait with hope. You must also continue writing, because they might ask you if your working on anything else. If you get accepted by the agency, things good now. They will ask you to send the whole manuscript either by email or snailmail. They will then read it, if they like it, then things are really good. They would look for an editor then a publisher. It's all free by the way. Literary agents receives money via commissions on the book sales. Your book is one step closer to being reaching on bookshelves around the world.
The publishers will then print your work publish it and they pay you based on the amount of sales that they think the book can acquire. In other words they buy the rights to sell your book based on it's quality.
You then get royalties from the book sales.

These steps are not easy, i'm not going to lie to you. Getting accepted by an agency is tough. Never send query letters to one agency. The chances of being rejected are high, so send to many agents. Remember agents don't want to represent a "crappy" book, so make sure the book is quality before submitting.

Any questions

Sunday 24 April 2011

Saturday 23 April 2011

Spoken word poetry(I am legend)

                                                                     I am Legend

Making a name is my greatest invention
It got Einstein puzzled
Drawing a plan for my life, I got the model
My invention
Inventing something that lives on forever
Got the key to eternal life, and better
I got my legend, not john
But the son. The name I strive to make
The Christ and if you feel your legend is boss
Wait till you meet the man who bled on the cross
He was wounded for our transgression
Bruised for our inequities
He didn’t die to save a woman and a little boy from a pack of zombies
But he died to cleanse the world from our sins
Salvation was passed on from generation to generation
So who’s really the legend
Rolling stone and New York times talk about men that were legendary
Men like Micheal Jackson, Tupac and Biggy
Rapping about the hood and how they came out of poverty
And into this life of prosperity
Painting a false picture of it unto the canvas of the ignorant
Making it seem like life is all about sex, money, cars,clothes and drugs
The tangible and totally ignoring the intangible things that live on forever
Morals, values, integrity
I hope I don’t come across as a preacher
In any way
But I have something to say
Jump high, jump low
I’ll say it
Cuz me I’m not a quitter
You all are welcome to follow
No twitter
So if anyone asks me who’s a legend
I’m not going say Kanye west
Notice I say it with so much emphasis
I’m not going to say that person
That it’s the man who got all the money in the world
But the man whose whole world is upside down
And still maintains his integrity
I’m not going to say the man who’s living out his fantasy
But the man who suffers for doing what is right
Not the man who’s got all the girls in the world
But he who he has one, and she means the world to him
I’m not going to say mahatma ghandi or napoleon
Or the last king of Scotland
But the king of kings
Lord of lords
Jesus Christ
And with his help
If anybody asks me who’s a legend
I’ll put up my L and say
With confidence
I am Legend

Wednesday 20 April 2011

Modern Christians: Summer Soul Harvest 2011

Modern Christians: Summer Soul Harvest 2011: "Its here people! SOUL HARVEST FEVER!!!Some of the TOP Gospel Music Ministers from T&T coming together to win souls, show hosted by Jamie Th..."

Summer Soul Harvest 2011

Its here people!
SOUL HARVEST FEVER!!!Some of the TOP Gospel Music Ministers from T&T coming together to win souls, show hosted by Jamie Thomas! BLESS GOD! ROUNDS UP YOUR CREW DONT MISS THIS!! ITS GOING TO BE POWERFUL!!! AND ITS FREE!! BRING ALLL YOUR UNSAVED FRIENDS AND LOVED ONES!! 

Take a look at the line up!